********Welcome to Logan's Chance: A Space for Self-Care and Comfort******** Logan's Chance was born from a desire to uplift others who have felt stuck, suffocated, or overwhelmed in life. As someone who has navigated my own journey through mental health challenges, I know the importance of creating spaces and tools that inspire self-care, connection, and joy.Through our three unique collections, we aim to bring comfort and balance to your life:............................ .....Tubby Bombay: Simple, thoughtful solutions for cats and their humans........ .......Reaping Flamingo: Intentional self-care tools to help you “remember and last .....Anxiety and Ancestors: Mindfulness and spirit-centered products for grounding and peace.At Logan's Chance, we dream big. Our ultimate goal is to use these brands to collectively fund grants supporting small business startups, pet adoptions, and mental health initiatives. Every purchase you make brings us one step closer to creating a ripple of positive change.Let’s care for ourselves, support one another, and build something beautiful together.